Thursday, October 31, 2013

Be Bold in Your B2B Marketing (Recon Thursday/Promotion)

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Recon Thursday and we are discussing the importance of being bold with your business to business (B2B) marketing.

We recently read a blog that noted how most B2B marketing is bland.  The blog even used the phrase boring to boring to describe the lack of creativity in B2B marketing.  There is a commonly-held misconception that B2B marketing doesn't need to be glitzy or bold; that brave, brash and bold marketing is reserved only for business to consumer (B2C) marketing.

We strongly disagree.  To achieve success with B2B marketing you should be brave, brash and bold.

Our reasoning is simple. We are all constantly exposed to clever, entertaining and informative consumer advertising and messaging.  In essence, as consumers we know a good ad from a bad.  Consumer brands produce this kind of quality advertising because they know what it takes to attract attention and drive purchase behavior.

So why do B2B marketers abandon this successful approach when marketing to businesses?  We don't know why but we do know they shouldn't.  The customer evaluating a B2B offer is still a consumer who wants to feel good about the product or service, just as they do with any consumer purchase.

Boring advertising is just that...boring.  It doesn't excite and might even turn a prospect away who is wondering why the advertising isn’t more appealing.  As you develop your next round of B2B marketing, keep this important point in mind.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Creating a Great Marketing Team (Action Wednesday/People)

Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: 5 Characteristics of a Great Marketing Team

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Action Wednesday and we are discussing how to build a great marketing team.

In his book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni describes the factors that hinder outstanding team performance.  We thought it would be fun to flip that around and discuss the five characteristics that make a great marketing team.

Let’s take a look at each one of the elements in Lencioni’s model.  The first is trust.  An environment that promotes trust is one in which team members will be able to take risks, ask for help and be given the benefit of the doubt.  Second is conflict.  Teams need some amount of conflict to generate engaging conversation when brain storming new ideas and discussing critical topics.

Next is commitment.  All team members should be on the same page, align with the goals and move forward without hesitation.  Fourth is accountability.  This factor is a very important to success. Ensure team members are accountable for their tasks.  Apply pressure on them to follow through to completion if necessary.

Lastly is attention to results.  All team members should be goal driven and able to deliver on their assigned tasks.

Trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and attention to results; these are the five factors of a great team.  Focus on pulling together individuals with these skills.  Start by selecting one characteristic that you think is the most important to begin working on to improve your team.  If you spend time working hard to build your team, you are going to have great marketing results in the coming years.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Branding a Solar Energy Installer (Strategic Tuesday/Positioning)

Listen to our featured Ask Those Branding Guys radio show podcast: Branding Positive Energy Solar

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Strategic Tuesday and we are talking about branding with a New Mexico solar energy company.

On our radio show Ask Those Branding Guys, we spoke with Regina Wheeler, CEO of Positive Energy Solar; a company that installs solar power equipment for homes, business and institutions.  The market for solar equipment has become more competitive and costs have fallen.  Consumers may now see a payback in as little as 8 years and numerous financing and support programs are available.

From a branding perspective, Glover observed that the company could not have a better name.  The tagline of “It Pays to be Positive” also does a great job on numerous levels as it conveys the sentiment that is pays to both install solar equipment and chose Positive Energy Solar.

Wheeler shared that the marketing environment has been very dynamic and is constantly changing.  Currently, 60% of Positive Energy Solar business is derived from referrals and customers are incented to refer others.  Parties and events are also a successful advertising method.  Marketing effectiveness is monitored and methods are revised as needed.  Wheeler knows it is important to remain top of mind, especially for a product that has such a long purchase cycle.

Positive Energy Solar’s biggest challenges include an evolving demographic where the target market is shifting from an older, wealthier customer to a younger client.  They are also in a market where there are competitors that run very aggressive advertising campaigns.

Enjoy the podcast.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Growth Strategies for Your Business (Smart Monday/Process)

Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: New Growth Strategies for Your Business

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Smart Monday and we are discussing new products and expansion into new markets.

New products can create buzz among consumers, keep a brand top of mind and boost sales.  It’s important for you to understand how to analyze your products and markets and determine when to do the same for your business.

Elements to consider before creating new products or expanding your market include managing existing products, when to develop new products, when to sell current products in existing markets and when to seek new markets.  We are looking at H. Igor Ansoff’s growth vector matrix model to assist you in determining which approach to take.

There are four growth vector components:  Market penetration, market development, product development and diversification.

Market penetration relates to increasing market share for existing products.  Market development means finding new markets for existing products.  Product development encompasses creating new products for existing market and finally, diversification is developing new products and new markets.

No matter which course you chose, it’s important to look at the impact to your bottom line and the risks and benefits associated with introducing something new into your product line or reaching into new markets.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Friday, October 25, 2013

7Cs of Successful Inbound Marketing: Part 2 (Digital Friday/Process)

Today is Digital Friday at Once a Day Marketing™ and we are concluding a two-part series highlighting our 7Cs of Successful Inbound Marketing©.

If you are launching or managing a social media campaign, it's important to ensure you address each of the 7Cs which include: Commitment, Customers/Clients, Campaign, Content, Consistency, Capture and Cultivate.  Today we are reviewing the final three components.

Consistency: Once you've developed a social media presence be sure to keep followers engaged by sharing a consistent stream of content and messaging.  There is a fine line between the appropriate amount of content distribution and over saturation; however, the important factor is to be consistent.  Consistency will maintain your brand top of mind and grow your online community.

Capture: Once your inbound marketing is launched, you will generate followers.  These might be LinkedIn connections, Twitter followers, YouTube subscribers or Facebook fans.  Regardless of who they are or where they come from it's important to capture these leads for future branding and marketing efforts.  Your social media campaigns are designed to build your brand and your business. 

Cultivate: The final "C" is often overlooked in inbound marketing campaigns.  Don't make the mistake of spending all your time creating and distributing your planned content and messaging.  When a follower shows interest in your company, brand or product respond quickly.  Reply to requests for information promptly.  When customers order a product, ship it immediately.  If an issue arises, be sure to resolve it.  You can also be proactive and initiate dialogue with your new contacts.  Social media is a two-way street and your contacts/followers are interested in developing new business relationships as well.

The secret to mounting a successful inbound marketing campaign is to make sure you address all the 7Cs and allocate appropriate resources as needed.  It takes time but you will see results.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  You may also contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email
© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Gathering Customer Feedback (Recon Thursday/Process)

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Recon Thursday and we are discussing customer feedback.

Customer feedback is an important way to learn about perceptions of your product or service.  There are many ways to engage customers and ask questions about what they like about your products and services and how they can be improved.

One of the easiest approaches is to simply ask the customer what they think when they come in, call or otherwise engage with your business.  Many will give you feedback.  It might not always be what you want to hear, however, it will be valuable information to begin reshaping your offerings.

Another approach is to select a few customers and invite them to lunch or out to dinner.  In this casual setting you can ask them to share their thoughts about your business.  This approach is a little less structured and perhaps they’ll be more open and honest.

Another option is to create a survey.  There are numerous ways to conduct surveys including online survey tools, paper surveys available to customers when they visit your business, or email surveys. Regardless of the direction you take it’s important that you start asking the questions.

The key is to be consistent in your quest to ask your customers what they like about your product and how it can be improved.  If you do this over time it will assist you to enhance your product, develop new products and improve the bottom line.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Proactively Selling Customer Solutions (Action Wednesday/Promotion)

Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: Preselling Solutions to Your Customers

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Action Wednesday and we are discussing pre-selling solutions to your customers.

Pre-selling means offering a solution to your customers before they ask for it.  The solution is essentially the unique mix of products and services you offer.  Your target audience may be any customer, however, you should design a potential solution tailored to each customer individually.

Once you have developed a proposal, approach them in anticipation that they will be intrigued with your solution and allow you to make a presentation.  To be successful at proactively selling solutions you should have a thorough understanding of your customer; who they are as well as their goals and aspirations.

Approaching the customer may be the most difficult part.  Be proactive.  Knock on their door and let them know you have an idea that you think they will love.

You probably won't bat a thousand on your preselling efforts.  Success rates will vary widely.  Mine have been in the middle of the road, perhaps fifty-fifty.  If you really think smartly and provide a good idea to that potential customer, there is a chance you will capture new business.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Branding a Specialized Service (Strategic Tuesday/Positioning)

Listen to our featured Ask Those Branding Guys radio show podcast: Branding Relationship Based Parenting Business

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Strategic Tuesday and we are talking about branding a specialized business.

On our radio show Ask Those Branding Guys, we spoke with Abby Bordner of Santa Fe based Relationship Based Parenting.  Abby is family educator and speaker and, with this new business, is on a mission to share what she has learned with other parents.

Relationship Based Parenting is built on the concept that kids thrive in positive relationships, primarily with parents and care-givers.  Bordner shares that all parents want the best for their kids, regardless of their economic status and her passion is around providing education to parents seeking to improve their parenting skills.

Bordner is creating brand awareness for Relationship Based Parenting through building lists of current and former clients as well as interviewing new participants through tele-summits.  Abby developed her tagline “Raising Compassionate Kids through Healthy Relationships” based on parent feedback obtained through surveys.

Glover observed that Abby may want to consider modifying the Relationship Based Parenting website to leverage the deep emotional bonds that could be created with clients due to the powerful nature of the subject matter.

Bordner’s biggest challenging is being in a market where so much information is available.  Glover indicated that this is why she should ensure that she differentiates and sets Relationship Based Parenting apart from the crowd.

Enjoy the podcast.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Move Marketing Milestones Forward (Smart Monday/Process)

Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: Managing Marketing Milestones

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Smart Monday and we are discussing moving your marketing milestones forward.

There are many marketing milestones that will put your company in a better position.  The question is, what milestones should you pursue given scarce resources?

From a strategic point of view, there are many goals related to your marketing and branding.  Focus on identifying the marketing milestone most important to the success of your organization.  It may be creating a marketing plan, improving your product, developing a new pricing strategy or launching a social media campaign.

Pull a team together and complete that milestone.  Then choose the next and finish that one too.  Over time, you will find your marketing will advance milestone by milestone and your company will as well.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Friday, October 18, 2013

7Cs of Successful Inbound Marketing©: Part 1 (Digital Friday/Process)

Today is Digital Friday at Once a Day Marketing™ and we are starting a two-part series that highlights our 7Cs of Successful Inbound Marketing©.

If you are launching or managing a social media campaign, it's important to ensure you address each of the 7Cs which include: Commitment, Customers/Clients, Campaign, Content, Consistency, Capture and Cultivate.  Today we look at the first four components.

Commitment: To be a successful inbound marketer you have to make a firm commitment to your effort.  Inbound marketing delivers results but it doesn't happen overnight.  Benefits begin to accrue immediately but the tipping point will come later.  This means that you have to be committed to allocating the appropriate time and/or financial resources.
Customers/Clients: The great thing about inbound marketing is that you can target existing customers, potential customers and even capture the interest of individuals who were never on your radar.  Think hard about who you want to follow your content and messaging.  This list of candidates will help shape your inbound marketing campaign.

Campaign: Knowing target customers will enable you to develop an inbound marketing campaign and identify which social media channels to leverage for sharing content.  Will it be Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Twitter or one of the plethora of new sites emerging everyday?  You can't keep up on every channel, however, to be successful you don't have to utilize all of them.  Your campaign should use social media avenues that best reach your targets.
Content: Content is king in the social media environment and it is imperative that content be relevant so it will resonate with your audience.  Creating and posting meaningless content is a waste of time, creates clutter, and will be quickly "unfollowed" by your customers.  Appealing content consisting of videos, photos, blogs, text messaging, etc., will be followed, shared, liked, re-tweeted, commented on, and easily discovered through search engines.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  You may also contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Capturing Mindshare for Your Brand (Recon Thursday/Positioning)

Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: Being #1 in the Minds of Your Customers

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Recon Thursday and we are discussing your brand being #1 in the minds of your customers.

Quickly name a top cola brand.  Did you think of Coke or Pepsi?  Now name a leading tooth paste brand.  Did you recall Crest and Colgate?  These brands work hard to ensure you have top of mind for their products when making a cola or toothpaste purchase.

Just like Coke and Crest, you want to ensure your customers recall your product or service when they are making a purchase decision.  That's mindshare.  And the more mindshare you create the more market share you will capture.

For Recon Thursday, consider what differentiates your brand from your competition and make sure your target customers clearly know these benefits.  Develop strategy and compelling and consistent messaging to reinforce this dramatic difference to establish your desired top of mind.  Don’t forget, once you set expectations you are going to have to consistently deliver on that brand promise.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Creating Good Brand Ambassadors (Action Wednesday/People)

Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: All Staff Are Brand Ambassadors

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Action Wednesday and we are talking about creating good brand ambassadors for your company.

Every employee of your company is a Brand Ambassador.  It is a common misconception that only the external sales force or people working directly with customers are the people impacting the brand.  The reality is that everyone in your company is a reflection of your brand.

Your action item today is to ensure all team members in your organization understand they are part of the brand.  Creating favorable brand impressions is not only about what staff say and do, but how they say and do things as well.  All the actions of your team influence the brand and they are brand ambassadors at all times, even when not directly working at your company.

Informal and formal brand ambassador training with your staff will enhance the people to people experience throughout your organization and with your customers, thereby elevating the overall stature of your brand in the marketplace.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.
© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013 Branding an Online Community (Strategic Tuesday/Positioning)

Listen to our featured Ask Those Branding Guys radio show podcast: Branding

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Strategic Tuesday and we are talking with about branding an online business.

On our radio show Ask Those Branding Guys, we spoke with Linda Marshall-Smith, founder and CEO of Los Angeles based, an online community for everything related to your favorite daytime soap opera.  Linda has an MBA in marketing and realized early on the power of the internet as a business platform.  She founded in 2002 as both a social and news portal.

Glover asked Linda what differentiates; she replied that first and foremost is the name.  Soapdom is a term that was widely used in the industry and being able to obtain that domain name was a fabulous boon.

As television networks are cancelling the soap operas, is experiencing a reduction in fan base.  Only four of the eleven soap operas that were aired when was founded now remain.  In response to this, Marshall-Smith is working to distribute new content with an LA company who has purchased the rights to continue production and deliver some soap operas

Marshall-Smith leaves us with some tips around creating a successful online community.  She shared that you should have a concept people will be interested in.  Once you are distributing content, ensure that you are disseminating it via social media channels such as twitter, facebook and pinterest.  You have to be proactive and push out your content rather than wait for your audience to come to you.

Enjoy the podcast.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Why Advertising Frequency is Important (Smart Monday/Promotion)

Once a Day Marketing™ featured video blog: Marketing Rule of 27

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Smart Monday and we are looking at the Marketing Rule of 27, a fascinating study conducted about 10 years ago.

Have you ever wondered how much advertisement you have to place before potential customers absorb enough impressions to finally make your brand stick?  The Marketing Rule of 27 answers this question.

The study found that to gain just one good impression in the mind of your customer you have to place an ad three different times.

The study also discovered that to really lock the brand into the mind of your customers, they have to absorb that good impression nine times.  When you do the math, 9 x 3 = 27 and that is how the name of the rule is derived.

What this means to you from an advertising perspective is that you have to ensure your message is shared 27 times with the same mix of potential customers (reach) so it will resonate and capture mindshare.  Review your marketing plan and develop an advertising approach that will allow your brand to sink into the minds of your potential customers.

There really is no one-hit-advertising-wonder; the Marketing Rule of 27 implies that it is an ongoing, consistent process of sharing your compelling message consistently over a period of time.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Exploring Social Media Marketing–Instagram Video (Digital Friday/Promotion)

Today is Digital Friday at Once a Day Marketing™ and we are sharing another installment in our series Exploring Social Media Marketing which looks at the increasing popularity of Instagram video for businesses.

As we have previously discussed, Instagram is a social networking community that allows users to share life’s moments with a simple photo or short video.  In a recent blog on, Mellissah Smith observed that, since its acquisition by Facebook last year, Instagram video is quickly taking market share away from Vine.

Many companies, including Nike and Starbucks, have been using Instagram for soft branding and advertising.  In recent weeks Instagram announced that it will be including advertising in photo/video sharing.  No doubt many more companies will be including it in their marketing plans.

If you are considering using video for branding and advertising, Instagram may be a good fit.  Advantages include longer videos (15 seconds vs. 6 seconds for Vine) and filter capability.

Instagram is great way for a business to reach customers, especially if the product has visual appeal such as food or clothing.  15 seconds is enough time to multiple images and a short, compelling message that will resonate with your audience and add up to a great customer experience.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  You may also contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Apples Dethrones Coca-Cola as Most Valuable Brand (Recon Thursday/Positioning)

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Recon Thursday and we looking at Apple's rapid rise to become the most valuable brand in the world.

According to the Interbrand Best Global Brands survey, Apple is now the world's most valuable brand.  Coca-Cola, which maintained the No. 1 ranking for 13 consecutive years, fell to No. 3.  Google, which was 4th in 2012, is now No. 2.  Rounding out the top spots are Microsoft and IBM at 4 and 5.

It's important to understand that every brand has value.  The more readily a brand is recognized in the market by customers and potential customers, the higher its strength and status.  When a brand is also known for providing a unique and compelling product or service that the market craves, valuation soars.  Based on this ranking, Apple, Google, Coke, Microsoft and IBM are really delivering on their brand promises.

How valuable is your brand?  By utilizing the 7Ps of Marketing and making a commitment to enhance your brand every single day, the value of your brand will certainly rise.  And so will your profits.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How to Keep Your Brand Top of Mind (Action Wednesday/Promotion)

Listen to our featured Ask Those Branding Guys radio show podcast: Beaver Toyota Santa Fe

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Action Wednesday and we are discussing branding with Santa Fe auto dealership Beaver Toyota Scion.

On our radio show Ask Those Branding Guys, we spoke with Jerry May, Sales Manager at Beaver Toyota Scion, about defending their market share and staying top-of-mind with customers and prospective customers through saturating the market place with advertising.

Glover asked May why Beaver Toyota Scion is so successful at maintaining their outstanding market presence.  May replied that radio and television are their most successful advertising channels for creating awareness as long as the message is shared consistently; then delivering on that brandline promise of “We’re Gonna Wow You.”

At Beaver Toyota the team strives to exceed customer expectations for price, value and service.  Employees are treated well and this is reflected in how they respond to customers.  According to May, buying the vehicle is where the customer experience really begins

May’s top tips for successful advertising are to be prepared for customers when they do come in and empower employees to make decisions at some level to enable them to wow their customers. 
Enjoy the podcast.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Branding a Clothing Manufacturer (Strategic Tuesday/Positioning)

Listen to our featured Ask Those Branding Guys radio show podcast:  Sense Clothing Santa Fe

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Strategic Tuesday and we are talking with Santa Fe clothing manufacturer Sense.

On our radio show Ask Those Branding Guys, we spoke with Robin Beachner, founder and CEO of Santa Fe based Sense clothing company.  Sense is focused on providing high quality clothing made in the USA along with great customer service.  Social responsibility is also part of the Sense mission.  The name Sense is derived from their concept of clothing that makes sense.

Glover shared that Robin should continue to promote these compelling aspects that differentiate the brand and may want to consider tailoring messages to specific sub-groups such as those to whom “made in USA” or “socially responsible” would appeal since they do not necessarily overlap.

A branding challenge has developed for Sense prompted by the move away from traditional advertising.  Creative energy is now being directed into photo shoots to better show off the clothing itself.  Beachner is considering how best to use these images.  Glover suggested short videos on such social media channels as Instagram or Vine to capture the power of referrals from existing customers.

Enjoy the podcast.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Branding: Telling Your Side of the Story (Smart Monday/Positioning)

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Smart Monday and we are looking at the importance of consistently telling your brand story.

Brand identity is how you want your company, product or services to be perceived by your target customers.  Brand image is how these customers actually perceive your brand.  Your branding goal is to ensure that customer brand image aligns with your brand identity over time.

The best way to accomplish this goal is to first make sure you have shored up your 7Ps of Marketing (to provide a rewarding brand experience).  Next, you need to consistently tell potential customers and remind current customers about the unique and compelling benefits of your products or services.  In essence, your brand story.  Your job is to manage and drive this compelling, marketing communications at all times.

Your competitors are working hard to tell their story to capture customer mindshare.  If you are aren't doing the same thing your market share will drop.

Further, it's also easy for customers to share negative experiences about your brand through social media.  Again, by being proactive and managing your story you can positively address these concerns and continue to shape favorable impressions in the mind of your customers.

Branding is 24/7/365 and no one is better at telling your story than you.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at noon (MDT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Creating Apps Customers Will Love (Digital Friday/Product)

Today is Digital Friday at Once a Day Marketing™ and we are discussing smart phone and tablet app development for your business.  Both Apple and Google claim more than 800,000 third-party programs available for iOs and Android platforms.  That's a lot of choices for mobile users.  Despite all this product selection, how many apps do consumers actually use on a regular basis?

I tend to seek out three apps over and over again.  The reason: I love these apps.  Each provides me with instant access to my favorite content and is very easy to navigate.

As you consider developing an app for your target customers, strive to create a program they will not just like but absolutely love.  Although not a simple development goal, the more users enjoy a rewarding experience accessing your content, the more they will seek out your mobile application and affording you the ongoing opportunity to brand and market your product or service.

When it comes to differentiating your app from all the others, creating a strong bond between your customers and product will encourage a regular usage pattern and fend off the competition.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  You may also contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email

© 2013 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Nike Direct to Consumers (Recon Thursday/Place)

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today is Recon Thursday and we looking at a recent report about Nike's Direct-to-Consumers (DTC) sales.

The Oregonian reported that Nike's direct-to-consumer sales, either through or their own stores, are on the rise.  I'm sure Nike is pleased with these results as are the company's shareholders.  What is the impact to other retailers who carry Nike products?

Nike shared with financial analysts that the gains generated in their own stores would translate into gains for the company's retail partners.  This is an interesting statement as Nike DTC continues to capture more mindshare and related market share.

Nike contends that the more they learn to improve sales from DTC the more strategy and tactics they are able to share with Nike retailers.  The company refers to the DTC process as a lab to gain knowledge around distributing their premium product to the marketplace.  Nike does in fact have a history of assisting their retail partners like Dicks' Sporting Goods and Foot Locker with branding and marketing support.

From a branding perspective, I find it fascinating that Nike can build a DTC business and still enhance the stature of their brand with retailers.  That's truly branding genius.

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