Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy for Once a Day Marketing™. Today is Recon Thursday and we are discussing the importance of being bold with your business to business (B2B) marketing.
We recently read a blog that noted how most B2B marketing is bland. The blog even used the phrase boring to boring to describe the lack of creativity in B2B marketing. There is a commonly-held misconception that B2B marketing doesn't need to be glitzy or bold; that brave, brash and bold marketing is reserved only for business to consumer (B2C) marketing.
We strongly disagree. To achieve success with B2B marketing you should be brave, brash and bold.
Our reasoning is simple. We are all constantly exposed to clever, entertaining and informative consumer advertising and messaging. In essence, as consumers we know a good ad from a bad. Consumer brands produce this kind of quality advertising because they know what it takes to attract attention and drive purchase behavior.
So why do B2B marketers abandon this successful approach when marketing to businesses? We don't know why but we do know they shouldn't. The customer evaluating a B2B offer is still a consumer who wants to feel good about the product or service, just as they do with any consumer purchase.
Boring advertising is just that...boring. It doesn't excite and might even turn a prospect away who is wondering why the advertising isn’t more appealing. As you develop your next round of B2B marketing, keep this important point in mind.
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