Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Marketing Channels: Print Still a Good Option

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. On our radio show That Branding Guy™, we discussed the current state of print media.

Joining us on the show was Glen Rosales – Freelance Writer and frequent contributor to the Albuquerque Journal, Journal North and Associated Press. Santa Feans may see Glen’s sports coverage in the Journal North along with his travel, home style or auto articles.

While in the past the newspaper was a major source of news, Glen shared that obtaining information now is a fluid and dynamic market. However, the print edition is still the main product of the ABQ Journal. With 240,000 daily readers, it still has significant audience reach for advertisers.

In the digital edition of the “paper,” the print edition layout is available online and they are also host live events; during Balloon Fiesta activities were broadcast live and received 7 million views. This variety of delivery channels shares information in the ways users want to experience it.

The advent of the digital age has enhanced the process of finding ideas for stories. Glen obtains material via email as well as social media. Glover asked how individuals with a good story to tell should reach out to the media. Glen indicated the best way to share an idea with the media is to find a similar story in the publication you would like to reach out to, check the name of the writer in the byline and send your story idea directly to them.

When a media outlet covers a story, the business receives what is called “earned media” which reflects the value that is received from the story. One of the valuable aspects of newspaper coverage is the public trust; what they see in the paper and they are high credible sources of information.

Enjoy the show!

Once a Day Marketing™ inspires clients to brand bold. Visit our website at Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email Listen to That Branding Guy™ every Saturday at 2:00pm (MDT) on KTRC 1260 AM or stream live on

© 2017 Once a Day Marketing™. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Identity Crisis: Branding for the Healthcare Industry

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. On our radio show That Branding Guy™, we discussed healthcare branding and marketing challenges with an industry expert.

Joining us on the show was Vince Parry – President of the Parry Branding Group, branding expert and author of Identity Crisis – Healthcare Brandings Hidden Problems and Strategies to Solve Them. Vince has been in the health and wellness marketing and communication industry for 35 years, his background includes working at large ad agencies including Saatchi & Saatchi as well as Young and Rubicam.

Vince started his own healthcare-focused branding consultancy about five years ago. Clients range from health and wellness over the counter brands to big pharmaceuticals, healthcare services and hospitals.

Identity Crisis has two meanings: 1. When a brand struggles to find its identity or their identity is confused/diluted and 2. People (consumers) who have an illness lose part of their personality and are not themselves – they also experience an identity crisis. When these consumers look to the healthcare industry they are seeking to resolve their own crisis.

The discussion turned to television advertising for pharmaceuticals; Vince believes they should die a quick death. As an industry, health and wellness provides services to consumers that improve quality of life or extend life. As such, they should behave in accordance with this brand identity.

The current positioning of TV commercials is actually undermining this brand stature by trying to be entertaining while there is nothing entertaining about their illness related subject matter. Strategies that work well for the healthcare industry are online and print media. There is an opportunity to tell more of a story and provide information to consumers and as to online, even become a resource.

With his book, Vince is targeting marketing and branding professionals, especially those in the healthcare agencies. Doctors and consumers interested in healthcare are also reading Identity Crisis. 

Vince’s branding tip – get to know your audience and find out what they are seeking.

Enjoy the show!

Once a Day Marketing™ inspires clients to brand bold. Visit our website at Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email Listen to That Branding Guy™ every Saturday at 2:00pm (MDT) on KTRC 1260 AM or stream live on

© 2017 Once a Day Marketing™. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Viva Vino Campaign Boost New Mexico Wine Industry

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. On our radio show That Branding Guy™, we discussed branding and marketing challenges of a venerable New Mexico industry.

Joining us on the show was Chris Goblet – Executive Director of the New Mexico Wine organization.  The mission of the group is to promote, protect and provide education regarding the wine industry in New Mexico where we have been growing grapes first brought by the Spain colonists for over 400 years.

Since joining the organization, Chris has been focused on rebranding and enhancing the image of New Mexico wineries.  The name of the group was updated from the New Mexico Wine & Grape Growers Association to New Mexico Wine.  Chris likes the play on words – it is the name of the group but also their product.

New Mexico Wine is working to create a more modern, hip image for their 40+ membership of family owned vineyards and wineries across the state.  The recently launched Viva Vino slogan is being embraced by customers.

Member vintner Gruet is the second largest producer of sparkling wine in the country with national distribution.  St. Clair winery boasts a chain of restaurants around the state featuring their product.  Numerous other well established wine makers as well as new vineyards are working to produce excellent wines in the high and low desert areas.

Goblet noted that New Mexico wine brands are beginning to be noticed through winning awards.

Enjoy the show!

Once a Day Marketing™ inspires clients to brand bold. Visit our website at Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email Listen to That Branding Guy™ every Saturday at 2:00pm (MDT) on KTRC 1260 AM or stream live on

© 2017 Once a Day Marketing™. All rights reserved.

Nambé: Branding Museum Quality Design

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. On our radio show That Branding Guy™, we discussed branding and marketing challenges of a Santa Fe retail business.

Joining us on the show were Rachel Trudeau and Tracey Smarsh, Corporate Sales Manage and Sr. Director of Retail and eCommerce, respectively for Nambé, a designer and manufacturer of museum-quality pieces in their collections of serveware, barware, home décor and gift items. The company was founded in 1951 in the town of Nambé, New Mexico from which it takes its name.

One of Nambé’s differentiators is the eight-metal alloy that is used to create classic metal bowls. This secret sauce allows the serveware to go from the freezer to temperatures of 500 degrees. Their belief in form and function also sets the company apart. Nambé does not only rely on their classic designs; jewelry has been re-introduced after a long hiatus and, in keeping with current decorating trends, concrete is being included in new pieces.

Target customers include any demographic that is interested in entertaining at home. To share the message about their brand, the Nambé team uses social media and e-newsletters along with print advertising, finding it effective for the older segment of their audience.

There are six brick and mortar Nambé stores in the Southwest, each location carries the entire line of merchandise to enable shoppers to experience the products in person if desired.

As for branding challenges, Rachel and Stacey agree that growing name recognition is something they continue to drive in their sales and marketing efforts.

Enjoy the show!

Once a Day Marketing™ inspires clients to brand bold. Visit our website at Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email Listen to That Branding Guy™ every Saturday at 2:00pm (MDT) on KTRC 1260 AM or stream live on

© 2017 Once a Day Marketing™. All rights reserved.