Hello, I’m Marianne
Tenenbaum, Branding Strategist, for Once a Day Marketing™. Today we are looking at brand personality.
When colleagues
think of you, what comes to mind? Are you seen as smart, friendly, adventurous,
trustworthy or engaging? Your personality
traits are what draw people to you; the same is true of the brands we embrace. Brands have personalities just like people do
and their characteristics are the things that differentiate one brand from
another in the minds of consumers.
Aaker conducted one of the first and most comprehensive studies related to
brand personality and defined these five dimension and traits included in each:
- Sincerity – Domestic, honest, genuine, cheerful
- Excitement – Daring, spirited imaginative, up to date
- Competence – Reliable, responsible, dependable, efficient
- Sophistication – Glamorous, pretentious, charming, romantic
- Ruggedness – Though, strong, outdoorsy, rugged
gravitate to brands the same way they gravitate to people; based on traits they
value. Review your brand and identify
its personality traits. Some brand personality
traits are innate but you have the ability to change your personality, if
desired. Through a strong and consistent
branding effort, you will be able to influence your brand identity to be more
spirited, glamorous, strong or whatever characteristic you would like the
marketplace to perceive.
Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers. Visit our website at www.onceadaymarketing.com. Contact
Marianne Tenenbaum at (505) 699-7849 or email mten@onceadaymarketing.com.
Listen to Ask Those Branding
Guys™ every Monday at 11:00am (MDT) streaming live on SantaFe.com KVSF
101.5 FM.
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