Monday, April 27, 2015

Office Space is a Key Part of Your Brand (Strategy)

Hello, I'm Marianne Tenenbaum, Branding Strategist for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today we’re discussing how your office space is a critical component of the physical aspect of your brand.

In many of our blogs we have written extensively about the 7Ps of Marketing and how physical evidence such as packaging, design and signage are visual elements that assist in telling the story of your brand to potential customers.

The design of your office space is also a key component of your brand.  Each time clients visit your office they gain impressions about your company.  What do they see?  Does your office create favorable feelings about using your product or service?

 Also, consider the impressions generated for employees, prospective employees, vendors and other visitors to your space.  Ensure the office design sends the message that your company is a great place to work and where your employees want to be.

The visual office environment should energize job applicants and ensure other visitors receive a positive perspective about your brand.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers. Visit our website at Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at 11:00am (MT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2015 Once a Day Marketing™. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Branding Journey of a Wandering Author (Strategy)

Listen to our featured Ask Those Branding Guys™ radio show podcast: Author Christina Nealson

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. On our radio show Ask Those Branding Guys™, we discussed branding and marketing with a seasoned author.

Joining us on the show was Christina Nealson author of Living on the Spine and Drive Me Wild. Christina traded in a thriving practice as a psychotherapist/author behind to immerse herself in the Colorado wilderness and explore herself outside of her normal roles. What followed has been a wonderful career as both a "wandering" author and photographer.

The biggest challenge Nealson has in developing her brand is pulling the various thread of her work together as her outdoor adventure life evolves and also leveraging social media to promote her brand without it consuming her days. Glover suggested that Christina streamline her approach and focus on Instagram to take advantage of her beautiful photographs.

Glover believes that businesses should "be the brand. Nealson is doing this by living in and interacting with the wilderness she writes about which makes her brand believable. Christina also shared a brandline she is beginning to use positioning herself as a "wandering" woman; Those Branding Guys liked the directions she is taking. They reminded listeners that such tags are a good way to connect with customers since the brand creates an impression in their mind.

Glover encouraged Nealson to own all the rights to whatever brand she develops, including her tagline, and start using it as key words and share the meaning behind the brand with her audience.

Enjoy the show.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers. Visit our website at Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at 11:00am (MT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2015 Once a Day Marketing™. All rights reserved.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Marketing Rule of 27 (Strategy)

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. Today we’re going to look at a fascinating study conducted about 10 years ago called the Marketing Rule of 27.

Have you ever wondered how much advertisement you have to place before there are enough impressions absorbed by your potential customers to make your brand finally stick?  Well that is what the Marketing Rule of 27 is all about.

The study found that, to gain just one good impression in the mind of your customer, you have to place an ad three different times because the chance of your target seeing any ad is one out of three.

Another very interesting component of the study indicated that to be able to really lock the brand into the mind of your customer, they have to receive that good impression nine times.  When you do the math, 9 x 3 = 27, and that is where the name Marketing Rule of 27 comes from.

This means from an advertising perspective you have to ensure your message is generated 27 times so it will resonate with and be retained by potential customers.  Review your marketing landscape and identify the opportunities you have and determine the reach and frequency you will obtain with those scare marketing dollars.  Develop a plan that will allow your brand to sink into the minds of your potential customers.

There really is no one hit wonder; branding and marketing are ongoing, consistent processes of reach and frequency over a period of time.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at 11:00am (MT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2015 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Branding an Emerging Publishing Company (Strategy)

Listen to our featured Ask Those Branding Guys™ radio show podcast: Upland Avenue Publishing

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. On our radio show Ask Those Branding Guys™, we discussed branding and marketing of a new self-publishing company.

Joining us on the show was April Sheris of Upland Avenue Publishing based in Santa Fe New Mexico.  Upland Avenue Publishing was created as a haven for aspiring authors to learn as well as publish their manuscript.  Upland Avenue has focused on many genres including inspirational, children’s titles and relationship topics.  Their goal is to have a personal relationship with their writers to ensure they gain the knowledge necessary to create a sell a good product rather than just publish a book.

April shared that print books will always be important because people still like to have that tangible object in hand.  Digital books are now working to provide more of an experience to consumers by providing additional author/character information and adding interactive experiences.

Upland Avenue differentiates from vanity publisher by forming a partnership with their authors to provide education and a support system.  Their new tagline “Stories That Speak to the Lifestyles of the Urban Sophisticate” is targeted at trendy, working individuals who are influencers and trendsetters in an urban environment and are making the time to tell their story.

To achieve attracting authors that fit the Urban Sophisticate profile, Upland Avenue is consistently driving their social media campaign using Facebook, twitter and google ad words.  April likes Facebook because it has tools to target your message and share with your audience.

April’s tip to aspiring authors:  It’s never too early to start building a following via social media and building the platform for your book.

Enjoy the show.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at 11:00am (MT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2015 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Brand Building Using Google (Brand Building Using Google (Knowledge)

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™.  Today we are discussing how to brand your business using Google.

Google is a powerful resource for building a brand.  Key elements of using Google to build your brand include leveraging its power as more than just a search engine.  Google is a tool to get your marketing message to your target audience.

Google owns YouTube, the online video site as well as Google+ social media venture.  Google+ integrates social media with search marketing to assist companies in developing their online presence.  An additional Google+ tool is called Hangout, which is video conferencing feature.

Having a Google+ review for your company is an important component of enhancing search engine optimization (SEO).  A best practice when placing ads on search advertising is to know where your customer is in the buying/research process and ensure you are placing the appropriate content in front of them.

Google encourages a good customer experience from their advertisers.  If a positive customer experience is not provided it will result in a lower Google+ score and increased advertising cost.  Conversely, you can drive the cost of advertising down by enhancing the search experience.

Evaluate whether or not it’s time to begin or enhance your Google advertising program.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at 11:00am (MST) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2015 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Enhance Your Brand With Great Design (Knowledge)

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™Today we are discussing how important it is that customer encounters with your brand are visually appealing, send the message you want to convey and provide instant recognition of the brand.

Visual cues about your company and brand are essential for customers to understand your message.  The design process begins with the graphic artist understanding what the client’s brand is all about and translating that into great visuals that have an emotional impact.

A company’s logo has generally been thought of as an extension of the brand.  Extensive use in the current digital environment, in apps and on small devices, has now made it a key identifier of the brand.  Now more than ever it is essential to remember that less is more and focus on creating designs that will draw in the customer.

Common errors businesses make when they are working on design elements is not aligning to what the business does and desiring a graphic that does not tell the appropriate story.  Another mistake is that logo doesn't scale well when downsized to fit into the space allocated for displaying an app on a smart phone.

Establishing visual prompts for customers reaches beyond logo or advertising designs.  The appearance of a store front, signage, etc. should be clear, inviting and informative as well as convey what your business is about.  Leverage the 7Ps of marketing to review where visual cues may require enhancement.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers.  Visit our website at  Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email  Listen to Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at 11:00am (MT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2015 Once a Day Marketing™.  All rights reserved.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Branding La Fonda on the Plaza (Strategy)

Listen to our featured Ask Those Branding Guys™ radio show podcast: La Fonda on the Plaza

Hello, I’m Jim Glover, That Branding Guy, for Once a Day Marketing™. On our radio show Ask Those Branding Guys™, we discussed branding and marketing of a historic Santa Fe hotel.

Joining us on the show were Jenny Kimball, Owner/CEO and Jayne Weiske, Director of Marketing for the La Fonda on the Plaza hotel.  La Fonda has been operating for 93 years and is the oldest hotel site in the country.  The name, La Fonda on the Plaza, specifies the unique differentiator of the hotel, which is the only resort located on the plaza in Santa Fe.

Kimball works to keep the brand updated in response to changing customer needs and ensure it is relevant for the younger market and, at the same time, keeping in mind the impact for long time customers who may not want anything to change.

La Fonda has a rich history.  Its architecture is authentic and all artwork is original.  Kimball uses photos for marketing material which beautifully and accurately depict the hotel to set accurate expectations with customers.

Weiske shared that a big part of the La Fonda on the Plaza brand is the experience they provide to visitors.  To achieve this, their focus is on anticipating guest needs. They reach out to reservation holders prior to arrival and ensure anything guests require is in the room when they arrive to make the experience special.  La Fonda management also recognizes that a friendly, knowledgeable and attentive staff is critical to deliver a wonderful La Fonda experience.

Kimball & Weiske offered tips to brands that are starting out.  First, to ensure a high level of service by the staff, foster an environment where employees are happy and empowered to resolve customer issues.  They also shared that it is vital to listen to your customer.

Enjoy the show.

Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target customers. Visit our website at Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email Listen to Ask Those Branding Guys™ every Monday at 11:00am (MT) streaming live on KVSF 101.5 FM.

© 2015 Once a Day Marketing™. All rights reserved.