Hello, I'm Marianne
Tenenbaum, Branding Strategist for Once
a Day Marketing™. Today we’re discussing
how your office space is a critical component of the physical aspect of your
In many of
our blogs we have written extensively about the 7Ps of Marketing and how
physical evidence such as packaging, design and signage are visual elements
that assist in telling the story of your brand to potential customers.
The design
of your office space is also a key component of your brand. Each time clients visit your office they gain
impressions about your company. What do
they see? Does your office create
favorable feelings about using your product or service?
The visual office
environment should energize job applicants and ensure other visitors receive a
positive perspective about your brand.
Once a Day Marketing™ positions brands to become #1 in the minds of target
customers. Visit our website at www.onceadaymarketing.com. Contact James Glover at (505) 501-1330 or email glover@onceadaymarketing.com. Listen to Ask Those
Branding Guys™ every Monday at 11:00am (MT) streaming live on SantaFe.com
KVSF 101.5 FM.
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